Random Observations

– One of the talking points going around is that Brett Kavanaugh is acting “entitled” to a SCOTUS seat, because showing emotion about being accused of a sex crime is assuredly a signal of one’s entitlement. These very same people have talked about the Merrick Garland “seat” as though President Obama’s mere nomination meant Garland was entitled to the seat.

– Speaking of double standards, the Catholic left is lining up against Kavanaugh. America Magazine has urged he be  voted down, shocking no one exactly. Meanwhile detective Steven Greydanus and Dr. Watson, err Mark Shea crack the code of Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook and thus conclude that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Shea is of course one of the members of the papal online guard who resort to ad hominem attacks anytime the current pontiff is alleged to have gone soft on clerics guilty of abuse. And of course these claims contain much more corroboration than those against Kavanaugh. But Shea, nevertheless, is on the lookout to tamp down those unreasonable Christianists. (I should emphasize here why I noted my Catholicism in my initial post. This internecine warfare is another topic I will be sure to deal with in the future.)

– Yale law students are certainly free to take time off to protest, but I do hope none of those protesting wearing “Believe All Women” shirts, or shirts with slogans to that effect, ever work in a public defender’s office. Similarly, I do hope all those other online warriors who have expressed similar opinions are never assigned to a jury on a rape case.